WCS Tier Volunteer Information

Want to be a regular volunteer or accompany your child on a field trip?  The Williamson County School system has a three-tiered policy in place to help protect our children.  You must be Tier 3 if you would like to chaperone a field trip.  Start Early if you want to go on a Field Trip!  This process can take over a month.


Tier 1 - No paperwork required.  For volunteering in a public setting -- like Family Fun Night.

Tier 2 - Volunteer application required and returned to Kenrose Front Office.  For in-class volunteers, room parents, etc.

Tier 3 - Volunteer application and Fingerprint Background Check.  For unsupervised volunteering -- Field Trips. 


Click the button below for the WCS page to find out more.  


WCS Volunteer Information

 Tier 3 Process:

1)You must sign up online (See "WCS Volunteer Button" above) and make appointment for finger prints (at your cost), then takes about two weeks to get results.


2) After at least two weekscall the Kenrose front office (615-472-4630) to see if they have received your Tier 3 background check results.  You have to contact them, they will not contact you. 


3) Once Kenrose front office has received your background check, sign up below to schedule an appointment to get a Tier 3 badge made at Kenrose.  


Please sign up below at one of the scheduled times to get a badge made. Important: Please do NOT sign up to get a badge made until the Kenrose Front Office (615-472-4630) has confirmed your background results are back.


Please contact the Kenrose front office for background check results (615-472-4630).

Get Your Tier 3 Badge Made- Must complete background check with fingerprinting to sign up